Experiences of a REI (NY style)

My successes and failures as I attempt to build my wealth through real estate investing.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

My reasons for starting this blog
Well to make it simple. I found that reading Trisha's blog, Shuan's blog and AZ investor's blog (all three are found in the links)has not only been entertaining, but also highly educational. In my opinion more educational than many of the books out in the public today. They have given me many ideas and thoughts along will some much needed inspiration. One of my goals in this blog is to do the same for someone else. My other goal for this blog is to put my ideas, thoughts, goals, successes, and failures on here so that I can be held accountable for all of them.

Starting on Monday the 20th I plan on writing down my goals for the week, followed by how well I achieved them the following Saturday. I will continue this as long as I have this blog. I will also write down the deals that I am working on, and how they progress through time. This Monday I will start off on fresh feet for all to see, and hopefully learn from. Whether it is through my successes or my failures I hope that someone can learn even a small amount.

I congratulate Trisha, Shuan, and Az Investor for what they have done so far and I hope to continue to learn from them in the future.


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Shaun said...

Thanks for the kind words! I would also recommend, if you are not doing it already, reading the discussion forumns on richdad.com. There is a ton of useful information there.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Brenton White said...

Hello, thanks for responding. Yea I read the rich dad forums a lot. I used to post there, but I believe that the form is just a shadow of what it used to be. In my opinion there is just to much jargon anymore, but at the same time if you look hard enough you can find good bits of information. My partner (my dad) posts there a lot still (BFLBOB).

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Trisha#1 said...

Thanks, Brenton, I'm flattered! I wish you the best of luck in your investments! It's a difficult journey, but rewarding on so many levels.


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